Who we are
CraftNOW Philadelphia
CraftNOW unites, celebrates, and supports the people, businesses, and institutions of the craft community of Philadelphia. Through education, curation and economic development, we work to continue Philadelphia’s vibrant history as a capital of craft- a place where craft is learned, created, seen, purchased, collected, and shared.
News & Events
CraftNOW activates the city in conjunction with the Philadelphia Museum of Art Contemporary Craft Show throughout the month of November. In 2024, CraftNOW presents the theme Connectivity which explores family, community, and how craft connects us in an increasingly divided world. We will ask how individual makers, artists, and scholars first connected to craft and how it has shaped their lives. We will also look into how the world of craft connects to other practices and communities: design, media, science, and public health.
In the Spotlight
Tools of the Trades 2025
From March 19th to 21st, Tools of the Trades
provides a series of virtual discussions and
in-person workshops, covering topics geared
toward creative learning. The overall goal is to help
craft-focused businesses accelerate growth and
find success however they choose to define it.
conference emphasizes approachability,
affordability, and a supportive environment for all!
Museums, Galleries &Retail
Philadelphia’s talented population of craft artists and makers is complemented and fueled by a wealth of art and design schools, discipline-specific craft centers, independent galleries, dedicated private collectors, and significant museum holdings and exhibitions.
CraftBUILD is an evolving program in partnership with the Building Industry Association of Philadelphia uniting the developer community with local makers. This page includes a curated directory of artisans and fabricators working specifically with furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) suited for built environments. Members of CraftNOW and BIA hope to make this your go-to place for real estate projects.
Explore Craft
We invite you to explore the many institutions and individuals that contribute to Philadelphia’s thriving contemporary scene