CraftNOW’s Annual Report


At the end of each year, CraftNOW drafts an annual report summarizing its activities, contributors, and upcoming goals. 

In the 2023, CraftNOW produced a full year of programming centered around the craft community of Philadelphia.  

-Tools of the Trade entered its second year, with expanded reach and more in person programming. 

-CraftBUILD continued to encourage collaboration between the building industry and local makers. 

-CraftNOW Create! Summer camps reached over 5,000 city children at Parks and Recreation centers, both through main camp as well a four immersive “gap week” camps.

-CraftBlast! raised funds and awareness.

-CraftMONTH entered its 9th year, with our annual symposium, our CraftNOW Create! family day, and a celebration of the exhibits, programs and shows of craft in Philadelphia.