Craft Capital Tours with ACC
Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11, 2019
Pick-up Location
Loews Hotel, 1200 Market Street
In partnership with the American Craft Council, CraftNOW invites you to spend time touring some of Philadelphia’s most exciting makerspaces. A tour bus will travel from Center City to visit Globe Dye Works and MaKen Studios before ending at Reading Terminal Market to grab lunch on Thursday or in Old City with receptions at The Clay Studio and The Center for Art in Wood on Friday. Present Tense conference registration is required.
Globe Dye Works
A former yarn-dying factory, Globe Dye Works has been transformed into a community of artists, designers, and fabricators. Tour the studios of Brian Giniewski and Stacey Lee Webber while also viewing Philadelphia: Then and Now (1950 – 2019), an exhibition in the brand new gallery organized by Helen Drutt, Matthew Drutt, Joseph Leroux and Stacey Lee Webber.
MaKen Studios
Short for “Made in Kensington” and comprised of nearly 300,000 square feet, MaKen Studios are two repurposed, industrial buildings in North Philadelphia that foster the development and sustainability of successful professional craftspeople, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and manufacturers.
Bahdeebahdu is the working studio of Warren Muller, chandelier and light installation artist, and RJ Thornburg, whose interior design projects yield to the unexpected. This wondrous space showcases their combined focus on contemporary art, craft, and design with a philosophy rooted in beauty, pleasure, and humor.
Pick-Up Location
Loews Hotel, 1200 Market Street