Call for Papers – Public | Private Symposium
Friday, November 11, 2022
10:00am – 5:00pm EST
Moore College of Art & Design
20th and the Parkway, Philadelphia
CraftNOW Philadelphia seeks at least four emerging craft scholars and practitioners to present during its annual symposium November 11, 2022. Please email up to 200 words and a brief CV for consideration no later than September 15, 2022 to
An honorarium will be provided for each presenter. This segment of our hybrid in-person and virtual event is being sponsored by the Decorative Arts Trust.
CraftNOW’s 2022 symposium and programming will center on the theme Public | Private and explore continually evolving concepts of shared versus personal space. Public | Private offers the opportunity to think about how handmade elements and crafted objects communicate whether architectural space is shared or private, and to explore which processes and aspects of their creative identities artists choose to share with their audiences. As private space becomes increasingly public via omnipresent virtual windows into our homes and studios, we’ll also explore how these lenses have shifted dichotomies of shared and personal space for students, practitioners, educators, and consumers of craft.
The keynote speaker will be Michael Lewis, architectural critic for the Wall Street Journal and author of Philadelphia Builds: Essays on Architecture, Frank Furness: Architecture and the Violent Mind, and City of Refuge. Other presenting institutions will include Craft in America, The Center for Art in Wood, Wharton Esherick Museum, varying divisions of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade, among many others.
Working Lecture and Event Schedule
Friday, November 11, 2022
9:30 Coffee service begins
10:00 Opening Remarks
12:00 Networking Lunch – RSVP details coming soon
3:30 Keynote with Michael J. Lewis
The 46th Annual Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show returned to the Pennsylvania Convention Center November 11 – 13, 2022. Visit their website linked above and follow them on social media @PMACraftShow for more details.
Additionally, The Center for Art in Wood will celebrate the opening of its new exhibition the evening of Friday, November 11.
Recent Symposium History
2021: Environmental Effects
CraftNOW’s 2021 symposium Environmental Effects examined how communities and interiors shape our experiences, when sustainability issues are expressed through craft, and the greater impact of our contemporary material culture. Longer presentations were complimented by shorter Pecha Kucha style talks. Dr. Kelli Morgan was keynote having contributed the chapter Crafting Diversity in our recent publication Craft Capital: Philadelphia’s Cultures of Making.
2020: Cultures of Making
CraftNOW’s 2020 symposium Cultures of Making examines the many ways community, activism, research, and connection develop out of collaborative craft practices in the neighborhoods of Philadelphia to the Santa Clara Pueblo and beyond. Keynote speakers Vashti DuBois, Executive Director of The Colored Girls Museum in Philadelphia, and Hinda Mandell, editor of Crafting Dissent: Handicraft as Protest from the American Revolution to the Pussyhats, are central to each day’s conversation as we talk and think about the role of craft as a tool for provocation and exchange, especially in this heightened time of social unrest.
Moore College of Art & Design
20th and the Parkway, Philadelphia